What is Fast Payout?

Fast payout allows webmasters to withdraw their payments immediately after the period closure, for a fee of 1% of the payout amount, with a minimum of $5 and a maximum of $150. The fee of this feature is the same regardless of the payout method you choose. The withdrawn payment is executed within 24 hours excluding weekends and holidays.

Fast payouts can be subject to processing failures due to incorrect payout data and to transition times. E-Wallet payments arrive on the date of execution, while wire transfers need 1-3 days to arrive. 


How can I request a Fast Payout?

You have the option of setting the fast payout function to Automatic in your affiliate account, under the Payout menu. If the automatic feature is active, it will automatically send your payments every period, so you will not have to manually request a Fast Payout. Please note that the fee for Fast Payouts will be deducted each period this service is active.

The service is applied to future payments only; if you already have a closed but pending payout before you activate the feature, you will need to manually withdraw that one payment in the Payout Overview section.  Payment will then be sent as soon as you earn enough for the Fast Payout fee to be deducted in the currently running period. You may enable/disable Automatic Fast Payouts at any time by unticking this option. 


Why is the Withdraw button inactive for Fast Payout?

If you wish to manually withdraw a payout, you need to have enough commission in the ongoing period that covers the fee of this feature. Until this requirement is met, the button remains inactive.

To prevent any delays, the Fast Payout function can be set to Automatic before a period ends, in which case the fee of the feature is deducted from that period’s payout automatically. The Automatic feature can be enabled in your affiliate account, under Payout menu.